(Originally published in 2021) Most people have heard of acupuncture, but many people don't fully understand how it works or what kind of diseases and symptoms it can treat. I thought I'd highlight some interesting cases my clinic has seen over the years. The easiest thing to treat with acupuncture is pain: all types, any location, acute or chronic...
Medical Acupuncture and the Mechanisms of Pain
The most common condition people seek an acupuncturist for is pain. Acupuncture excels at treating all kinds of pain, in all phases of the pain process. Not only is acupuncture great for decreasing the feeling of pain, and the symptoms (redness, swelling, etc.), but it's also great for speeding up the actual process of tissue healing.Pain can be bo...
How acupuncture can help heal pain by targeting the brain and nervous system
Did you know that the most common condition people seek an acupuncturist for is pain? Pain is both what you feel (subjective) and a physical change in the body (objective). If you twist your ankle, you feel pain and see marked redness and swelling. Pain is your body's way of saying something is wrong, so pay attention. Would you ignore your gas lig...