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Insurance Info

Not all of our Acupuncturists are in-network

As of Jan 2024:


Please call your insurance and ask what your in-network AND out-of-network benefits are. You need to know what your insurance covers before you come, otherwise, you are liable for all costs accrued for treatments if your insurance doesn’t pay.

*If WE do not confirm your insurance benefits before your appointment you will be required to pay out cash prices out-of-pocket until we can confirm your benefits.*

Evergreen Medical Acupuncture is Out-Of-Network with some United/Optum plans, and all Cigna, Aetna, Anthem, and Kaiser plans.

We are only in-network with Medicare Part B and VA/Triwest and select United/Optum policies. 

Dr. Jill is in-network with:

  • VA/TriWest
  • United Health Care (not ALL UHC/Optum policies though**)
  • Medicare Part B
  • Medicaid HCBS program

Dr. Jen:

  • United Health Care (not ALL UHC/Optum policies though**)
  • Medicare Part B
  • Medicaid HCBS program

Dr. Jordan:

  • Medicare Part B
  • Medicaid HCBS program

Dr. Fick:

  • Medicare Part B
  • Medicaid HCBS program

Medicare info:
We cannot accept every Medicare plan so please read carefully!

Medicare Part B (your only insurance)

  • If Medicare Part B is your ONLY insurance, we will be able to bill your Medicare policy!
  • Your copay is $0!
  • You get 20 treatments per year for Low Back pain!

Medicare Supplement (with Medicare Part B)

  • If you have a Supplement plan in ADDITION to your Medicare Part B policy, your Medicare Part B will be billed first. However, you MUST have Medicare Part B as your primary.
  • You will have no copay!
  • You will receive 20 treatments per year for Low back pain.

Medicare Advantage PPO

  • Your Advantage plan gets billed as your primary policy. This means you will be billed out-of-network because we are NOT billing your Medicare Part B plan (not our rule!)
  • We are out-of-network (OON) with all Advantage plans except United Health Care plans. This includes being OON with Cigna, Aetna, Kaiser, Anthem, etc. 
  • We have 2 providers In Network with UHC plans: UHC Cam discount, UHC Medicare Solutions West, UHC of CO, UHC Navigate, Charter, Nexus ACO-R, Nexus ACO-NR, UHC Dual complete, UHC Medicare, and UHC Ind and Family Plan. 
  • Some PPO plans have out-of-network benefits. If you do have OON benefits, typically your copay is $35-70
  • If you do not have OON benefits with your Advantage plan, we cannot bill your policies at all and you will have to pay cash if you'd like to continue treatments.

Medicare Advantage HMO

  • We are out-of-network with ALL HMO plans except United Health Care.
  • We have 2 providers In-Network with United Health Care plans: UHC Cam discount, UHC Medicare Solutions West, UHC of CO, UHC Navigate, Charter, Nexus ACO-R, Nexus ACO-NR, UHC Dual complete, UHC Medicare, and UHC Ind and Family Plan.
  • If you have any HMO Medicare Advantage plan that is NOT UHC, no matter what strings we pull, the magic we perform, or the person we pay, we cannot bill your policy. Please trust us, you do not have Acupuncture benefits! We have tried. We are so sorry!

If you have Medicare Part B:

If you do qualify for our Medicare benefits, we can only bill your insurance for chronic Low Back Pain. We bill all Medicare policies through our Medical Director. If you see your bill and you do not recognize one of our Acupuncturist's names, this is why (don't be alarmed). 

If you are on Medicaid and are completely disabled from a stroke, head injury (TBI), MS, Parkinson's, or spinal cord injury, you qualify for the Health and Community-Based Services program which provides you with 52 acupuncture treatments annually and ZERO cost to you! They even provide transportation for you! Both of our clinics are (nearly) ADA compliant (Our Conifer clinic is completely compliant while Evergreen does not have wheelchair accessible restrooms) Otherwise all hallways and doorways are ADA and we are on the first floor with handicapped parking in BOTH locations. 

If you think you qualify for this program please follow the link below to fill out the Medicaid waiver:

If you have VA/TriWest: please call your Military PCP through the VA to get them to send us a referral. Typically you will receive 12 initial visits for Acupuncture to use in 90 days and potentially another 14 visits for the remainder of the year. Once the referral gets to us, someone with the VA will call us to schedule you. This costs you ZERO! 

Health Savings Accounts: You can always use an HSA or FSA account card. Some companies will deny the charge if you pay for a package (they don’t want to pay for services not yet rendered). Some companies want proof of treatment which includes your diagnosis and treatment codes. That is called a Superbill and we can easily print/email you your every treatment, free of charge.

Motor Vehicle Accidents: If you want to use your Colorado Motor Vehicle Accident stipend: Every Colorado resident who has been involved in a motor vehicle accident, by law, gets $5,000 from their car insurance towards medical expenses. Most car insurance will require a primary care referral. We can absolutely help you through this process. Acupuncture is amazing for car accident recovery. We can either bill your insurance for you, but you’ll need to provide to us with your representative's name, phone number, fax number, and instructions for sending in the bills. Or you can pay us directly, and we can provide you a copy of your Superbill to send to your insurance company.

Please call our office at 303-594-8348 or email our billing specialist for any further questions

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