About Evergreen Medical Acupuncture
At Evergreen Medical Acupuncture we use an anatomy-based acupuncture system and functional medicine to treat almost any condition.
Evergreen Medical Acupuncture is a team of experienced Acupuncture Doctors. Originally founded by Dr. Christina Fick, DOAM in 2012, Dr. Fick has expanded to train and include other Acupuncture Doctors in the Medical Acupuncture system. Dr. Fick only hires Licensed Acupuncturists who have an extra clinical Doctorate degree which is 1-2 years more than the standard Master’s degree program. Acupuncturists who hold a Doctorate degree are still, even though its becoming a more popular career choice, less than 20% estimated of the total licensed Acupuncturists in the United States.
Dr. Fick teaches her famous Flying Needle technique she learned in China to her other Acupuncturist employees. This painless style of needle is more effective at targeting smaller afferent nerve fibers that help treat hormonal and complicated cases.

COVID/Cleaning Protocols
We were lucky enough to build-out this clinic from bottom-up/top-down in 2019. We built it out with safety in mind.
- No room shares air. Our closed HVAC system goes from our commercial, hospital-grade furnace to one room where the air is constantly circulating. It then goes back into the furnace, through a large HEPA filter, and then through a UVC light to sanitize the air, then back into that one room.
- We have a UVC light in every treatment room and bathroom. After every patient the light sanitizes the air and surfaces for 5 minutes.
- We spray every surface with 90% isopropyl alcohol after every patient
- Every piece of linen is used once then bleached and sanitized in our in-house laundry (we don’t send our laundry out!)
- All of our supplies like cups, otoscope tips, etc are cleaned in Simple Green anti-microbial then run through the dishwasher.
- We monitor our air quality: We have a CO2 monitor that tells us how fresh the air is. Indoor air quality is typically at 1,000-2,000 ppm. Outdoor air quality is below 400. Our clinic constantly runs between 400-700 ppm!
- We take our patients back to the room as soon as possible so the waiting room is as empty as possible.
- We have professional cleaners clean our clinic every other day!
- We do have a commercial grade ozone machine that we used quite a bit in 2020. If there ever was someone we suspected with COVID, we can run our ozone machine to eliminate any possibility of air-borne infection.

Plenty of Staff, Plenty of Rooms, Plenty of Appointment Times!

We Have a Team of Acupuncturists!
All acupuncturist doctors hired at Evergreen Medical Acupuncture work closely under Dr. Fick. They've been hand-selected and go through rigorous training to keep the standards high and the treatments superior.

We Offer the Best of Eastern & Western Medicine
Working in China you would think that Chinese Medicine is practiced in it's most pure and ancient form - Wrong! The Chinese now see the benefit of modern medicine and research and how it can be applied to the knowledge of Traditional Chinese Medicine. This is what we believe also. We try to use the techniques that get you better as fast as possible, we don't care where it comes from!
Often we will use blood pressure, blood serum tests, or neurological or physical exams to base our treatments off instead of tongue or pulse diagnosis.

We Treat Just About Everything
Check out our "What Conditions Can Acupuncture Treat" section on our Why Acupuncture page for a full list of common conditions we see and treat.
We treat: Kids over the age 4, elderly folks and geriatrics, pregnant women, mentally and physically disabled people, acute injuries and sickness, patients with communicable diseases, and just about anyone else!
We do not treat: Pets and animals. Please see a licensed Veterinarian.

We Offer Advanced, Specialty Needle Technique

We Speak the Language of Your Medical Doctors
The Story Behind Our Brand...