Fertility Acupuncture
What is Functional Fertility Acupuncture?
Functional fertility acupuncture is the combination of functional and Chinese medicines as well as current research and best practices to help the body in balancing hormones and increase blood and nutrient flow to reproductive organs. By doing this, many causes of fertility can be addressed and helped such as low egg quality, thin lining, polycystic ovarian syndrome, endometriosis, premature ovarian failure, recurrent miscarriage, male factor, and unexplained infertility. Functional medicine is the use of blood labs with smaller ranges than typical blood tests to determine root causes of problems. We like to work with local OBGYN offices as well as Reproductive Endocrinologists to understand more deeply what is going on with our patients and come up with a cohesive treatment plan together.
What does this service include?
Dr. Jill and Dr. Jen are specially trained in fertility acupuncture as well as functional medicine, this allows them to offer a unique treatment combining these modalities. They will go through a thorough intake of your fertility journey as well as your medical history, any labs or imaging reports, and family history to help determine how to use acupuncture to achieve the best results for their patients. They will come up with a treatment plan that fits your diagnosis and will also spend time going through your diet and lifestyle choices that may be impacting fertility. Plan to spend about an hour to an hour and a half for the first treatment which includes the consultation and the first treatment. Because these treatments will not include prescription medication (other than what your doctor may have prescribed), we have to give the body some time to adjust and make the changes we are encouraging. We expect to start seeing positive changes within the first 3 months of treatments although everyone is different and results may vary depending on what we are trying to accomplish based on your specific diagnosis.
Fertility experiences vary greatly from one person to the next and Dr. Jill and Dr. Jen deeply understand the difficulties, fears, and excitement surrounding this process. They always include support for stress, sleep, anxiety, and other symptoms that may come along with this process. Some of the modalities Dr. Jill and Dr. Jen use in treating fertility include acupuncture, cupping, electrical stimulation, injection therapy, supplement and herbal recommendations, lab analysis, diet assistance, lifestyle changes, and a wonderful network of referrals for local physicians and therapists.
Any time is a great time to start your fertility journey, whether you’ve been trying to conceive for years or if you are thinking of starting in the next while. Dr. Jill and Dr. Jen work with a whole range of individuals or couples anywhere from natural conception to IVF and donor cycles.
Acupuncture is a safe and effective way to help to balance hormones and address issues while being very relaxing and providing personalized care and time with Dr. Jill to discuss as much as necessary.