Labor Induction
Acupuncture for Labor Induction
Dr. Christina has extra training in helping women progress the labor of their baby easier. She worked at Lutheran Hospital in Brooklyn, New York learning how to work with medical staff to safely ease pregnancy labor. Although the use of acupuncture will not force labor such as Pitocin does, the goal is to stimulate natural oxytocin to progress labor. Acupuncture can also help soften the cervix and progress effacement, stimulate regular uterine contractions, increase fetal engagement and progress station and appropriate fetal positioning, and keep mom and baby calm, happy and safe!
Acupuncture for pregnancy related complications
The service includes all possible therapeutics we use with regular Medical Acupuncture such as electrical stimulation, cupping, laser, etc. A typical labor induction treatment can last longer than a regular Medical Acupuncture treatment. Plan on being at our clinic for at 60-90 minutes. Ideally, we like to see patients twice weekly if they are 37-39 weeks pregnant. If they are at or over 40 weeks, or have a more pressing deadline to progress, we might suggest the patient come daily for three days in a row.