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The Best Detox You’ve Ever Tried... Trust Me


Have you been wanting to do a detox, but you don’t know where to start? If you’re looking for a simple yet effective way to detox, my clinic is offering a true functional medicine cleanse. No matter whether you want to do a quick detox, or an intense custom cleanse, we have an easy way to detox with some very helpful information about healthy eating and how to feel better. The goal of this cleanse is to rid the body of the bad choices you’ve made, introduce good nutritional habits, regulate your blood sugar, decrease inflammation, and most importantly, help you identify what foods could potentially be causing problems. We help people learn about what fats are good to cook with and why, what fruits and veggies are good to eat, chemicals that can cause inflammation, and tricks to help eradicate common ailments.


If having more energy, sleeping deeper, having a clear head and a sharper memory, optimum digestion, fewer food cravings, clearer skin, weight loss, and less joint pain is something you are really committed to, and you can commit to it for 10-21 days, then this is for you.


With a good detox, you don’t want to just get rid of all the bad stuff, you’ve got to add in the healthy

stuff too. In our functional medicine cleanse, we offer patients multiple options. You choose what’s right for you.


1. We have a simple meal additive: a twice daily shake you can take for 10 days without any diet modifications. It simply helps your liver get rid of toxins quicker.


2. The next step up is a delicious meal additive shake plus extra cleanse pills, healthy greens food pills, fiber pills and probiotics.This includes a limited diet for 10 days, and total cleanse time is 21 days.


3. Up one step further would be for those with a lot of inflammation, if you drank/drink too much alcohol, and/or have pain or brain fogginess. You’ll want to add step two to these delicious liquids of turmeric, omega 3s, and brain booster supplements.


4. What if you’re not sure which one you want, and you want to have your cleanse customized or “doctor approved.” This is where functional medicine comes in. Just because it’s natural, doesn’t mean it’s safe, so if you’re on medications, we will cross-check with your primary care to make sure there are no interactions. To double-check, you can sit down and do a before and after functional medicine appointment with Dr. Jill or myself. We’ll look at your bloodwork from 2019 and see where we really need to clean things up. We’ll recommend which detox would be best, then we’ll redo your labs sometime after the cleanse is complete with a follow-up appointment to see how you did.


Functional medicine is a quick, powerful and extraordinarily helpful way to get you the exact roadmap of what you need to feel better. After graduating, I realized that treating patients by symptoms was helpful, but having objective markers (real, science based, not woo-woo) was far more helpful and productive. I kept chasing symptoms. This brings me to an important point: be careful about whom you go to for “functional medicine.” As an unregulated term, really anyone can call themselves a functional medicine practitioner. I have seen an influx of patients saying they went to a functional medicine doctor or practitioner. Some said these providers never even looked at their blood work! That isn’t functional medicine at all. That’s just plain nutritional advice! Some said they left with 15-20 supplements and no diet advice. News flash! This is a natural version of western medicine. Do you have a symptom? Take this pill. Have another symptom? Take another pill. This isn’t actually looking at the root cause of the problem. Functional medicine is looking at someone’s blood tests and seeing a story or pattern to find nutritional dysfunctions that cause organ imbalances that lead to disease... and finding how and why this is happening, then coming up with a logical plan to get the patient well. Typically, I only recommend 1-2 supplements because I have very good evidence from their blood tests that they need it, and it is temporary. We take the regular lab range and make it smaller and then find where the numbers fall outside of the “functional abnormal” range. This is where we know nutritional deficiencies and organ dysfunctions exist—different than an already manifested disease. It’s on its way to disease, but not yet there.


In my first master’s degree program, we learned all about nutrition, exercise, diet, supplements, herbs, pharmacology, medication interactions, etc. In my doctorate program, we learned even more about the above, as well as complicated cases, and in my functional medicine training, I had the opportunity to learn how to approach detox from both a holistic standpoint and a western standpoint. As clinicians, we’ve been able to see how these processes work in a real setting with real people and we help them daily. Dr. Jill and I are able to safely and effectively help you navigate a detox better than any other practitioner out there. We have thetraining from all angles. Even though this detox entails more supplements than we normally give, it saves money on groceries and is a metabolic super boost. This doesn’t mean not being able to enjoy the foods or beverages you enjoy now. This will help you find the habits that really agree with you and the ones that don’t, so you can live your life feeling much better than you do right now. Call or email to reserve your flavor and package today!


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dr fick colorado




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