There are numerous reasons why acupuncture works wonders for some, and others feel no improvement. There's a very small percentage of the population who have a genetic deficiency in Glutamate and Gaba. These people are deemed "nonresponders." Truly, acupuncture will not have an effect on them, ever. But these people are estimated to be less t...
Myofascial Trigger Points (MTrPs) Almost all of us suffer from trigger points. MTrPs are clinically diagnosed as palpable taut bands in the muscle that are tender when pressed. Often, these trigger points refer lightning pain in distant areas and pain with stretching. A local twitch response with acupuncture confirms active MTrPs. MTrPs have ...
Facial Rejuvenation
Cosmetic acupuncture is a cutting edge, centuries-old procedure. The craze over cosmetic acupuncture reemerged in Hollywood last year. Stars such as; Kim Kardashian, Gwyenth Paltrow, Jennifer Aniston, Sean Connery, Madonna, Angelina Jolie, and many more swear by cosmetic acupuncture. There is no mystery why. It is a safe alternative to popula...
Why Placebos Don't Work in Acupuncture
Have you ever heard of a research study that involved a placebo? Most people don't know what a placebo is or its function, but it is focused heavily on in medicine and research. In the western and pharmaceutical worlds, placebos are usually sugar pills that are given to a portion of people in a research group, while the other half of the...
Dry Needling vs Acupuncture
What is the scope of practice for acupuncturists and physical therapists? You might be surprised to find that although physical therapists around the country are performing dry needling, they may be doing so illegally. Each profession has a scope of practice that is determined by each state. State by state the SOP (scope of practice) changes. There...
Let's Be Honest About Dry Needling: Part Three
In case you haven't tried dry needling, here is what it looks like... OUCH!? I would say that dry needling is usually painful and effective. I incorporate both dry needling and traditional acupuncture into my practice. In recent studies it has been suggested that the combination of the two is more effective than dry needling alone. It's been ...